Espace terroirs - Miège

The Espace terroirs presents an exhibition dedicated to terroirs that is original, educational, playful and unconventional, shining a spotlight on the study of the Valais wine terroirs.

Welcome to the centre of the earth!

You will discover how time, water and the earth have worked together to form the ground in Valais and create this soil that is so special and so fertile. You will appreciate nature’s subtle, patient work as you travel through the time of the ‘Land of glaciers’ and the ‘Land of ancient rocks’, travel across the ‘Land of slopes and floors’, and listen to the ‘Land of the winds’.

In this space, the study of the Valais wine terroirs is presented and structured using magnificent granite plaques. Thanks to a creative design that makes judicious use of the flexibility and power of digital technology and other technological innovations, the exhibition’s scientific content is given an emotional, ‘magical’ touch.

Then, going up a level to the ‘Lands of humankind’, you will gain an understanding of the fragile relationship that exists between the different elements: air, water, sun, weather, the vine and human labour. Finally, you will discover the richness, diversity and complexity of the terroirs and the wines that they produce. 

The large picture window and clear, simple layout of the space on the upper floor reflect our return to the surface of the earth.

General Information
Opening hours Open from March to November (7/7) : 11h-17h30
Open on demand for groups
Ruelle de la Calattra 1 3972 Miège 079 319 03 66