Vins Bruchez – Vaas (Flanthey)

Cave Vins Bruchez stands in the hamlet of Vaas (Flanthey), where it has been passed down through the generations to members of the family.

The winery was founded in 1912 by Joseph Bruchez, to be taken up in 1945 by his son Henri, who in turn handed it down to his son-in-law, Guy Rey, in 1979. Sebastian Rey, son of Guy, joined the adventure in 2005.

True ambassadors for the region, Guy and Sébastien like to combine tours of their winery with a visit to the Château de Vaas, emblem of the hamlet. Both are well worth a trip!

Discover this winery’s range of wines here.


General Information
Tour around vineyard On demand
Tour around wine cellar On demand
Wine tasting On demand
Wine tasting voucher Yes
Light refreshments Assiette valaisanne, raclette
Languages spoken French, German
Capacity ~ 25
Opening hours On demand
Parking Yes
Disabled access no
Valais Wine Pass no
Annual production (bottles) ~ 100'000 bottles
Hectares 9
Vins Bruchez Route de Granges 91 3978 Flanthey tél: 027 458 12 14 Portable: Fax: 027 458 46 10